6/21 Out on Billingsgate Shoal clamming in the pooring rain. a few hors of clamming and 6 of us had almost 50lbs of Cherrystones to cook. We filled 2 , 5 gallon buckets. An entire 10 gallon cooler. Shane went back out that night with the lobster traps and pulled up one keeper. It took 10 of us 2 hours to finish just half of what we brought back. Raw, Steamed, grilled, you name it. Estimated market value was about $250-$300 if store bought.

2 of the 6 clammers |

Half of what was left after 2 hours of eating... |

Me working the Raw Bar |

Shane with his lobster |

Christian with Shane and his catch 1/2 lb lobster |

Matt with Shanes Catch |
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